
Emerging Applications, Perspectives, and Discoveries in Cardiovascular Research (Hardback)  | Released: 13 Jan 2017

By: Shivani Soni (Author)   Publisher: Medical Information Science Reference

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Scientific developments in recent years have led to significant strides and advancements within the medical field. By integrating these findings into medical practice, optimal healthcare can be delivered to the public. Emerging Applications, Perspectives, and Discoveries in Cardiovascular Research is a comprehensive reference source for the latest academic material on... Read More

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Shivani Soni

Publisher Name:

Medical Information Science Reference





About The Book
Scientific developments in recent years have led to significant strides and advancements within the medical field. By integrating these findings into medical practice, optimal healthcare can be delivered to the public. Emerging Applications, Perspectives, and Discoveries in Cardiovascular Research is a comprehensive reference source for the latest academic material on the exploration of cardiovascular diseases and provides an interdisciplinary examination of novel developments and applications for cardiovascular sciences. Highlighting a range of diverse topics, such as pharmacology, pathophysiology, and alternative medicine, this book is ideally designed for researchers, professionals, practitioners, graduate students, and academics interested in the latest medical advancements.


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