
English as a Local Language (Paperback)  | Released: 08 Jul 2009

By: Christina Higgins (Author)   Publisher: Multilingual Matters Limited

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This book explores how multilingualism involving English is ordered in post-colonial, globalizing societies. By placing multilingual practices at the theoretical center, the author investigates a range of sociolinguistic domains to demonstrate how individuals use English as a local resource to produce an array of local and global identifications.About the Author:... Read More

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Christina Higgins

Publisher Name:

Multilingual Matters Limited





About The Book
This book explores how multilingualism involving English is ordered in post-colonial, globalizing societies. By placing multilingual practices at the theoretical center, the author investigates a range of sociolinguistic domains to demonstrate how individuals use English as a local resource to produce an array of local and global identifications.About the Author: Christina Higgins is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, USA. Her main areas of interest are the sociopolitics of English as a global language and the sociolinguistics of multilingual societies. She has focused her research in Kenya and Tanzania, where she has investigated how multilingual individuals use English alongside their other languages to produce local and global identifications across domains such as workplace conversation, advertising, popular culture, and HIV/AIDS education.


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