
Ethics and The Conduct of Business | Eighth Edition | By Pearson (Paperback)  | Released: 24-Oct-17

By: John, R Boatright|Jeffrey, D Smith|Bibhu, Prasan Patra (Author)   Publisher: Pearson Education

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Ethics and the Conduct of Business 8/e, is essential for a full understanding of the positions and arguments offered on the main issues in business ethics. Fortunately, the amount of theory needed is relatively small and much of the discussion of these issues can be understood apart from the theoretical... Read More

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John, R Boatright|Jeffrey, D Smith|Bibhu, Prasan Patra

Publisher Name:

Pearson Education





About The Book
Ethics and the Conduct of Business 8/e, is essential for a full understanding of the positions and arguments offered on the main issues in business ethics. Fortunately, the amount of theory needed is relatively small and much of the discussion of these issues can be understood apart from the theoretical foundation.The study of ethical issues in business is not confined to a single academic discipline. The aim of the book is to help students to understand various ethical problems implicated in the conduct of business. The book focuses on the fact that adopting a moral point of view and using moral reasoning in business decision making is in the best interest of the individual, organization and the society. FeaturesThe lucid presentation of the book assures conceptual clarity of the basic moral conduct concepts like right, wrong, just, unjust, obligation, duty, responsibility, praise, blame etc.Case study on 2G Spectrum Scam, Volkswagen Emission Scandal, IPO Scam 2006, Insider Trading Case at Vedanta Alumina Ltd and CSR and many more have been added to give students a deep insight into the subject.In this edition an attempt has been made to facilitate students to widen their thinking, enhance conceptual clarity, understand ethical theories and application of sound moral reasoning in business decision making.It also includes some of the legislations passed by the government of India recently, such as the Whistle-blower's Protection Act and Companies ACT 2013, along with some of the legal aspects of American business.Table of Contents 1 Ethics in the World of Business 2 Ethical Decision Making 3 Ethical Theories 4 Whistle-Blowing5 Business Information and Conflict of Interest6 Privacy 7 Discrimination andAffirmative Action 8 Employment Rights9 Health and Safety 10 Marketing and Advertising 11 Ethics in Finance 12 Corporate Social Responsibility 13 Governance, Accountability,a