
Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services Includes Navigate Advantage Access (Paperback)  | Released: 08 Apr 2021

By: James S Angle (Author)   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services, Fifth Edition also includes Navigate Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate today at Designed for use within courses based on the Fire and Emergency Services... Read More

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James S Angle

Publisher Name:

Jones & Bartlett Publishers





About The Book
Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services, Fifth Edition also includes Navigate Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate today at Designed for use within courses based on the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Occupational Safety and Health for Emergency Services model curriculum, Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services, Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive overview of the many components of occupational safety and health for the emergency services. This textbook provides a historical look at industrial safety and health and how history has impacted the emergency services by providing a safer work environment that reduces first responder deaths and injuries. Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services features a laser-like focus on fire fighter health and safety and details how to stay safe and healthy in a high-risk environment and includes: Thorough coverage of the "16 Fire Fighter Life Safety Initiatives" with emphasis on the positive impact these Initiatives can have when implemented. Case studies, review and discussion questions, and additional resources for each chapter. Safety at the Medical Emergency and Safety at the Rescue Emergency now covered in separate chapters. Discussion of NFPA standards related to safety and health added, including timely issues such as active shooter/hostile event response (ASHER), reducing exposure to fireground toxic contaminants and decontamination procedures, and atypical stress events for first responders. New discussion of the Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) program


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