
Theories of Practice (Paperback)  | Released: 16 Dec 2014

By: Carol Garhart Mooney (Author)   Publisher: Redleaf Press

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A strong comprehension of early childhood theory is fundamental to early childhood educators’ abilities to make informed decisions about the ways they support children’s development and learning. In this book, Carol Garhart Mooney writes about the important task early childhood educators have to understand the foundational theories behind their daily... Read More

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Carol Garhart Mooney

Publisher Name:

Redleaf Press





About The Book
A strong comprehension of early childhood theory is fundamental to early childhood educators' abilities to make informed decisions about the ways they support children's development and learning. In this book, Carol Garhart Mooney writes about the important task early childhood educators have to understand the foundational theories behind their daily practices. When this is accomplished, they are better able to refine their practices, create thoughtful curriculum, and do their best work with children.To this end, Garhart Mooney advocates that everyone working in early childhood--caregivers, educators, consultants, administrators--should hold degrees in early childhood. With a focus on the value that comes when early childhood educators have strong theoretical knowledge and are able to articulate why they do something for children, Theories of Practice is a call to everyone in the field to raise the standards of early childhood education. Garhart Mooney emphasizes that early childhood educators can work more confidently and effectively with children when they understand the link between best practices and the research behind them.Carol Garhart Mooney has been an early childhood professional for more than forty years and is currently the executive director at Holy Cross Early Childhood Center in Manchester, New Hampshire. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education and a master's degree in early childhood education. She has completed coursework for a doctorate in sociology of the family.About the Author: Carol Garhart Mooney: Carol Garhart Mooney has been an early childhood educator for more than 40 years and is currently the executive director at Holy Cross Early Childhood Center in Manchester, New Hampshire. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education and a master's degree in early childhood education. She has completed coursework for a doctorate in sociology of the family.


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