
Survey of Athletic Injuries for Exercise Science (Paperback)  | Released: 10 Sep 2013

By: Linda Gazzillo Diaz (Author)   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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5 Stars! Doody’s Review Service! (Perfect Score of 100) …This book is more than sufficient for exposing undergraduate students to sports-related injuries, how they are identified, and how they might be treated by a professional. It includes a good deal of basic anatomy and physiology that is complemented well by... Read More

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Linda Gazzillo Diaz

Publisher Name:

Jones & Bartlett Publishers





About The Book
5 Stars! Doody's Review Service! (Perfect Score of 100) ...This book is more than sufficient for exposing undergraduate students to sports-related injuries, how they are identified, and how they might be treated by a professional. It includes a good deal of basic anatomy and physiology that is complemented well by treatment therapies for site-specific injury prevention and therapeutic care following injury. Written for students within Exercises Science and Exercise Physiology, Survey of Athletic Injuries for Exercise Science clearly outlines traditional prevention and care of athletic injuries for those who lack an athletic training background. It address the role that exercise science, exercise physiology, or professionals from other health-related fields play in the treatment of injuries and illnesses in the physically active population. The text addresses each body segment along with other information that impacts the physically active, such as ergogenic aids, supplements, nutrition, and exercise prescription. Throughout the text case studies and realistic situation boxes discusses interesting cases from the field. Key Features: Provides a necessary resource on athletic injury and prevention for the non-athletic trainer. Clearly defined chapter objectives identify critical information for students Critical thinking questions ask students to examine and reason through a variety of scenarios. Case Studies throughout analyzes and explores real-world situations.


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