
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Computational Aspects In Physical Chemistry (SI Units)Volume 6, 4/e (Paperback)  | Released: 13-Feb-19

By: K L Kapoor (Author)   Publisher: McGraw Hill Education

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This book is the sixth of the 7-volume series on Physical Chemistry by Dr. Kapoor. This volume ensembles the Computational Aspects of Physical Chemistry in three chapters, viz., synopsis of commonly used statements in BASIC language, list of programs and projects. The revised fourth edition includes the following programs based... Read More

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K L Kapoor

Publisher Name:

McGraw Hill Education





About The Book
This book is the sixth of the 7-volume series on Physical Chemistry by Dr. Kapoor. This volume ensembles the Computational Aspects of Physical Chemistry in three chapters, viz., synopsis of commonly used statements in BASIC language, list of programs and projects. The revised fourth edition includes the following programs based on van der Waals, Berthelot, Dieterici and Redlich-Kwong equations of state of gases:? Relation between Boyle and inversion temperatures? Variation of compression factor with pressure/reduced pressure at different temperatures/reduced temperatures including Boyle/reduced Boyle temperature.? Variation of reduced inversion temperature with reduced pressure.Features:? Strictly in accordance with latest IUPAC recommendations and SI units being adopted throughout the text? New programs based on (i) van der Waals, (ii) Berthelot, (iii) Dieterici, and (iv) Redlich-Kwong equations of state have been included in this edition of the book.? Additional programs on variation of compression factor versus various parameters? Programs on variation of reduced inversion temperature versus reduced pressure are also an indispensable part of this equation.