
Abstraction, Refinement and Proof for Probabilistic Systems (Hardback)  | Released: 19 Nov 2004

By: Charles Carroll Morgan (Author)   Publisher: Springer

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This book integrates coverage of random/probabilistic algorithms, assertion-based program reasoning, and refinement programming models, providing a highly focused survey on probabilistic program semantics. It illustrates by example the typical steps necessary in computer science to build a mathematical model of any programming paradigm, addressing an essential foundation topic for modern... Read More

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Charles Carroll Morgan

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About The Book
This book integrates coverage of random/probabilistic algorithms, assertion-based program reasoning, and refinement programming models, providing a highly focused survey on probabilistic program semantics. It illustrates by example the typical steps necessary in computer science to build a mathematical model of any programming paradigm, addressing an essential foundation topic for modern sequential programming methodology.


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