
Automorphism Groups of Compact Bordered Klein Surfaces (Paperback)  | Released: 12 Sep 1990

By: Emilio Bujalance (Author)   Publisher: Springer

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This research monograph provides a self-contained approach to the problem of determining the conditions under which a compact bordered Klein surface S and a finite group G exist, such that G acts as a group of automorphisms in S. The cases dealt with here take G cyclic, abelian, nilpotent or... Read More

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Emilio Bujalance

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About The Book
This research monograph provides a self-contained approach to the problem of determining the conditions under which a compact bordered Klein surface S and a finite group G exist, such that G acts as a group of automorphisms in S. The cases dealt with here take G cyclic, abelian, nilpotent or supersoluble and S hyperelliptic or with connected boundary. No advanced knowledge of group theory or hyperbolic geometry is required and three introductory chapters provide as much background as necessary on non-euclidean crystallographic groups. The graduate reader thus finds here an easy access to current research in this area as well as several new results obtained by means of the same unified approach.


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