
Clinical Care Record Book for Midwifery Program (In Accordance with INC Guidelines) (Paperback)  | Released: 2015

By: Priscilla John (Author)   Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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?Content is written according to INC syllabus.?Aims to inculcate clinical reasoning in logical sequence in the students’ minds.?Initial chapters present brief review on essential elements of child birth process.?Helpful for students of GNM and BSc Nursing course.?Written in lucid style and simple language.?Sequential arrangement of the topics makes it reader... Read More

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Priscilla John

Publisher Name:

Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.





About The Book
?Content is written according to INC syllabus.?Aims to inculcate clinical reasoning in logical sequence in the students’ minds.?Initial chapters present brief review on essential elements of child birth process.?Helpful for students of GNM and BSc Nursing course.?Written in lucid style and simple language.?Sequential arrangement of the topics makes it reader friendly. About the AuthorPriscilla John MSc (OBG) Rekha Kumari MSc (OBG)Table of Contents: Contents 1. Female Pelvis 1 2. Fetal Skull 4 3. Fetal Circulation 6 4. Antenatal Assessment 8 5. Normal Delivery Witnessed 10 6. Abnormal Delivery Witnessed 11 7. Vaginal Examination 12 8. Episiotomies and Skin Suturing 13 9. Caesarean Section Witnessed 14 10. Insertion of IUD/Cu-T 15 Care Studies 11. Antenatal Care Study 23 12. Conducted Care Study 323 13. Postnatal and Neonatal Care Study 463