Cultural Anthropology (Paperback) | Released: 2011
By: Miller Barbara (Author) Publisher: PHI Learning22.00% Off ₹351.00
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This book engages students with compelling ethnographic examples, and demonstrates the relevance of anthropology in today’s world. Through clear writing, a balanced theoretical approach, and engaging examples, this book stresses the importance of social inequality and human rights, the environment, culture change and applied aspects of anthropology. Rich examples of... Read More
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About The Book
This book engages students with compelling ethnographic examples, and demonstrates the relevance of anthropology in today’s world. Through clear writing, a balanced theoretical approach, and engaging examples, this book stresses the importance of social inequality and human rights, the environment, culture change and applied aspects of anthropology. Rich examples of gender, ethnicity, race, class, and age thread through the topical coverage of economic systems, the life-cycle, health, kinship, social organization, politics, language, religion, and expressive culture. In addition, it also addresses how migration is changing world cultures and how the importance of local cultural values and needs are shaping international development policies and programs. NEW TO THIS EDITION : Every chapter contains a box called “Anthropology Works” that provides compelling examples of how knowledge and methods in cultural anthropology can prevent or solve social problems. Updates throughout the book provide currency and accuracy and strengthen engagement. Several new Key Concepts respond to important current issues: food, security, social justice, sectarian conflict, corporate social responsibility, and Textese.About the AuthorBARBARA MILLER, George Washington University.