
Culture of Enlightenment (PAPERBACK)  | Released: 2008

By: R. R VERMA (Author)   Publisher: Prakash Books

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No doubt love force is a quantum leap to spiritual illumination but being rare, it is for the few. The easier path to enlightmenment is scientific spirituality which is based on a creatively designed culture to train the body, mind and the self to humanise, universalise and spiritualise the human... Read More

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Publisher Name:

Prakash Books





About The Book
No doubt love force is a quantum leap to spiritual illumination but being rare, it is for the few. The easier path to enlightmenment is scientific spirituality which is based on a creatively designed culture to train the body, mind and the self to humanise, universalise and spiritualise the human kind. To transform the materially and scientifically revolutionalised world, we need a new world order based on new values and virtues to be achieved through a revolutionalised system of education rooted in the union of science and spirituality. Therefore we need to move beyond the mind because the mind.


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