
Digital Technologies and Instructional Design for Personalized Learning (Hardback)  | Released: 08 Dec 2017

By: Robert Zheng (Author)   Publisher: Information Science Reference

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When facilitating high-quality education, using digital technology to personalize students’ learning is a focus in the development of instruction. There is a need to unify the multifaceted directions in personalized learning by presenting a coherent and organized vision in the design of personalized learning using digital technology. Digital Technologies and... Read More

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Robert Zheng

Publisher Name:

Information Science Reference





About The Book
When facilitating high-quality education, using digital technology to personalize students' learning is a focus in the development of instruction. There is a need to unify the multifaceted directions in personalized learning by presenting a coherent and organized vision in the design of personalized learning using digital technology. Digital Technologies and Instructional Design for Personalized Learning is a critical scholarly resource that highlights the theories, principles, and learning strategies in personalized learning with digital technology. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics, such as collaborative learning, instructional design, and computer-supported collaborative learning, this book is geared towards educators, professionals, school administrators, academicians, researchers, and students seeking current research on the area of personalized learning with digital technology.


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