
Effective Health Care Supervisor (Paperback)  | Released: 15 Feb 2018

By: Charles R. McConnell (Author)   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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The Effective Health Care Supervisor offers proven, hands-on, practical applications of both classic and current management principles in the healthcare setting. Packed with strategies, techniques, and tools to build or reinforce your management skills and meet the never-ending challenges that one may face daily as a healthcare supervisor, students and... Read More

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Charles R. McConnell

Publisher Name:

Jones & Bartlett Publishers





About The Book
The Effective Health Care Supervisor offers proven, hands-on, practical applications of both classic and current management principles in the healthcare setting. Packed with strategies, techniques, and tools to build or reinforce your management skills and meet the never-ending challenges that one may face daily as a healthcare supervisor, students and professionals alike will benefit from this classic guidebook that is now more reader-friendly and accessible. The Ninth Edition examines environmental changes and healthcare reform activities as well as updated and expanded information on HIPAA. Other current people-management topics such as social media in the work place, performance appraisals, recruitment issues, changes in overtime rules, and more are covered. This edition also offers new key terms in each chapter as well as a number of new end-of-chapter activities.


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