
Engineering Drawing & Graphics Using Autocad (Paperback)

By: T. Jeyapoovan (Author)   Publisher: Vikas Publishing House
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The study of engineering drawing builds the foundation of analytical capabilities for solving a wide variety of engineering problems and has real-time applications in all branches of engineering. Student-friendly, lucid and comprehensive, this book adopts step-by-step instructions to explain and solve problems. A major highlight of this book is that... Read More

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T. Jeyapoovan

Publisher Name:

Vikas Publishing House




About The Book
The study of engineering drawing builds the foundation of analytical capabilities for solving a wide variety of engineering problems and has real-time applications in all branches of engineering. Student-friendly, lucid and comprehensive, this book adopts step-by-step instructions to explain and solve problems. A major highlight of this book is that all the drawings are prepared using the latest AutoCAD software.About the AuthorT Jeyapoovan is a professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur, Chennai. He has a BTech degree in Mechanical Engineering from the College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, an MS degree in Software Systems from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani and an ME degree in Computer Aided Design from Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. He is pursuing Phd from Anna University, Chennai. Prof. Jeyapoovan has over 22 years of teaching experience and specializes in Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Computer Aided Design And Drafting (CADD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). He is a life member of ISTE. He has authored many best-selling books for engineering students and his books are prescribed by various Indian Universities.Table of ContentsIntroduction, Projections Of Points, Projections Of Straight Lines,Projections Of Planes,Auxiliary Projections,Projections Of Solids, Orthographic Projections,Section Of Solids,Development Of Surfaces, Interpenetration Of Solids, Isometric Projection,Perspective Projection,Building Drawing,Freehand Sketching, Computer Aided Design And Drafting