
Engineering, Medicine and Science at the Nano-Scale (Paperback)  | Released: 03 Dec 2018

By: Stephen J. Fonash (Author)   Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH

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Das fhrende Lehrbuch der Nanotechnologie und ein Kompendium von Lehrveranstaltungen der Penn State University: didaktisch fundiert mit Lernzielen am Beginn der Kapitel, Kapitelzusammenfassungen und Literaturhinweisen.About the Author: Stephen Fonash is Chaired Professor of Engineering Sciences at Penn State University, USA. During his academic career he received numerous honors and awards,... Read More

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Stephen J. Fonash

Publisher Name:

Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH





About The Book
Das fhrende Lehrbuch der Nanotechnologie und ein Kompendium von Lehrveranstaltungen der Penn State University: didaktisch fundiert mit Lernzielen am Beginn der Kapitel, Kapitelzusammenfassungen und Literaturhinweisen.About the Author: Stephen Fonash is Chaired Professor of Engineering Sciences at Penn State University, USA. During his academic career he received numerous honors and awards, including a fellowship of the Electrochemical Society and the Thomas D. Callinan Award for outstanding contributions to dielectric science and technology. He is also Director of the National Science Foundation Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Center, Founder and Director of the Penn State Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization, and co-founder and chief technical officer of Solarity, LLC, State College, PA. Marcel Van de Voorde is special advisor at IMEC, Belgium. He studied industrial and chemical engineering and received his PhD in nuclear engineering from the University of Nancy, France. He was co-founder and professor at the Hoger Instituut der Kempen, Geel, and the Technical Institute Don Bosco, Hoboken in Belgium. He further holds professorships at the Catholic University of Leuven, Ghent University, Delft University of Technology and is visiting professor at several recognized universities in Europe, US, Japan and China.


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