
Hospital Pharmacy Practice for Technicians (Paperback)  | Released: 01 Nov 2013

By: Mark Brunton (Author)   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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Hospital Pharmacy Practice for Technicians is a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of hospital work, and provides a strong foundation for pharmacy students going out into the field. A review of roles and duties including IV preparation, central duties, and automated dispensing are explained. Specialty roles such as medication reconciliation... Read More

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Mark Brunton

Publisher Name:

Jones & Bartlett Publishers





About The Book
Hospital Pharmacy Practice for Technicians is a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of hospital work, and provides a strong foundation for pharmacy students going out into the field. A review of roles and duties including IV preparation, central duties, and automated dispensing are explained. Specialty roles such as medication reconciliation and supervisory positions are also discussed. Common devices and equipment used are also described in detail. Hospital Pharmacy Practice for Technicians features a robust professionalism component tailored to interactions in a hospital setting, with an emphasis on decorum, appearance, punctuality, and communication. Licensing requirements, continuing education, finding employment, networking, and interviewing are also covered to assist students in their career. Boxed Features including: Tips and Tricks, Mistakes to Learn From, Successes to Learn From, In the Field, and Sidebar provide real-world application of material taught in the text and insightful information for clinical practice. Review Questions help the student synthesize the information read and promote critical thinking in regards to hospital duties and responsibilities.


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