
How to Create the Conditions for Learning (Hardback)  | Released: 05 Sep 2017

By: Ann Jaquith (Author)   Publisher: Harvard Education Pr

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How to Create the Conditions for Learning shows how the conditions for continuously improving instruction can be created at every level–from the classroom to the school to the central office. Ann Jaquith presents a framework for understanding and building instructional capacity, based on her original research in schools and districts... Read More

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Ann Jaquith

Publisher Name:

Harvard Education Pr





About The Book
How to Create the Conditions for Learning shows how the conditions for continuously improving instruction can be created at every level--from the classroom to the school to the central office. Ann Jaquith presents a framework for understanding and building instructional capacity, based on her original research in schools and districts and ideas drawn from the literature on resourcing and social learning. She describes four types of resources--knowledge, technology, relationships, and structures--and discusses the contextual conditions that allow these resources to be identified, taken up, and put to effective use. Through case studies of schools and districts engaged in the sometimes messy work of developing the capacity to improve instruction, Jaquith shows ways that school and district leaders can identify and deploy underutilized resources and create organizational routines that support the ongoing development of instructional capacity. How To Create the Conditions for Learning represents an important contribution to the effort to stimulate, support, and sustain excellent teaching and inspired learning in our schools.About the Author: Ann Jaquith is the associate director of the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE), where she works at the intersection of research, practice, and policy. Ann's research focuses on understanding the conditions in educational settings in which instructional improvement occurs. She studies school reform efforts and professional development initiatives. Ann received her doctorate from the Stanford Graduate School of Education.


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