
Introduction to Agrometeorology (Paperback)  | Released: 30-Jun-18

By: H S Mavi (Author)   Publisher: India Book House Limited

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The Science of Agrometeorology has a great role to play in improving the quality and quantity of agricultural production through teaching, research and extension. Agrometeorological knowledge greatly contributes towards improving the efficiency of the costly farm inputs and in minimising their wastage. This book deals with many of the general... Read More

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H S Mavi

Publisher Name:

India Book House Limited





About The Book
The Science of Agrometeorology has a great role to play in improving the quality and quantity of agricultural production through teaching, research and extension. Agrometeorological knowledge greatly contributes towards improving the efficiency of the costly farm inputs and in minimising their wastage. This book deals with many of the general agrometeorological principles, techniques and methods which can effectively be put to practical use. The first part of the book deals with the meteorological factors in reference to their role in plant growth and the middle part deals with various techniques and methods which can be used in land use planning and in crop production improvement. The last part of the book deals with current topics of study and research in the discipline of agrometeorology which have great importance in the future policy planning in agriculture. This book is intended as a text for the elective level students of agrometeorology in the Agricultural Universities of India. It will also serve as a first level book to the postgraduate students who wish to major in the field of agrometeorology.