
Life After…Engineering and Built Environment (Paperback)  | Released: 09 Jul 2006

By: Sally Longson (Author)   Publisher: Routledge

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Thousands of students graduate from university each year. The lucky few have the rest of their lives mapped out in perfect detail – but for most things are not nearly so simple. Armed with your hard-earned degree the possibilities and career paths lying before you are limitless, and the number... Read More

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Sally Longson

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About The Book
Thousands of students graduate from university each year. The lucky few have the rest of their lives mapped out in perfect detail - but for most things are not nearly so simple. Armed with your hard-earned degree the possibilities and career paths lying before you are limitless, and the number of choices you suddenly have to make can seem bewildering. Life After...Engineering and Built Environment has been written specifically to help students currently studying, or who have recently graduated, make informed choices about their future. It will be source of invaluable advice and wisdom to graduates on where their degree can take them, covering such topics as: Identifying a career path that interests you - and how to start pursuing it The worldwide opportunities open to engineering graduates Staying motivated and pursuing your goals Networking and self-promotion Making the transition from scholar to worker The Life After University series of books are more than simple 'career guides'. They are unique in taking a holistic approach to career advice - recognising the increasing view that, although a successful working life is vitally important, other factors can be just as essential to happiness and fulfilment. They are the indispensable handbooks for students considering their future direction. About the Author: Sally Longson is a life coach and well-known writer and media commentator in the field of careers.


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