
Macroeconomics | 12th Edition (Paperback)  | Released: 27-Aug-18

By: Rudiger Dornbusch|Stanley Fischer|Richard Startz (Author)   Publisher: McGraw Hill Education
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The twelfth edition of Macroeconomics offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. The title focuses extensively on economy-based models and intends to teach students how current economic issues may be related to larger economic concepts. Empirical data and illustrations are also provided in the book f or this purpose. Equal... Read More

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Rudiger Dornbusch|Stanley Fischer|Richard Startz

Publisher Name:

McGraw Hill Education





About The Book
The twelfth edition of Macroeconomics offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. The title focuses extensively on economy-based models and intends to teach students how current economic issues may be related to larger economic concepts. Empirical data and illustrations are also provided in the book f or this purpose. Equal importance has been given to the merits and the demerits of economic policy, thus making this textbook balanced in its approach to economic policy. Salient Features: Col or edition that makes the reading experience more enticing than ever New Chapter on the National Debt Coverage on the Great Recession New section on dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models added in Chapter 24 Thoroughly updated text to reflect the newest data Reorganization of content in chapters 6, 19 and 20.