
Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy | 5th Edition (Paperback)  | Released: 25-Sep-18

By: D. N. Dwivedi (Author)   Publisher: McGraw Hill Education
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It gives us immense pleasure to present the fifth edition of Macroeconomics. This edition meets the curriculum requirements to broaden each student’s perspective and provides macroeconomic analysis its greatest breadth. It continues to offer a comprehensive explanation of various theories formulated at different stages of the growth of macroeconomics-classical, Keynesian... Read More

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D. N. Dwivedi

Publisher Name:

McGraw Hill Education





About The Book
It gives us immense pleasure to present the fifth edition of Macroeconomics. This edition meets the curriculum requirements to broaden each student's perspective and provides macroeconomic analysis its greatest breadth. It continues to offer a comprehensive explanation of various theories formulated at different stages of the growth of macroeconomics-classical, Keynesian and post-Keynesian. A succinct methodology is applied throughout to present the subject matter of macroeconomics Salient Features: A new chapter on ?Demonetization and Implementation of GST in India? Up-to-date text with simplified interpretations, examples and latest economic data Step-by-step illustrations of macroeconomic theories using graphical and algebraic methods Enriched pedagogy with revised ?Review? questions and new ?Objective? questions.