NCERT Practice Work Book Mathematics Class 4th (Paperback) | Released: 2017
By: Unknown (Author) Publisher: Arihant Publication30.00% Off ₹56.00
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The Workbook series as the name suggests has been designed by Arihant with an aim of helping students practice the concepts using hundreds of practice questions of all types which have been or may be asked in the upcoming CBSE Examinations. It is a practice book aimed at mastering the... Read More
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Publisher Name:
Arihant Publication
About The Book
The Workbook series as the name suggests has been designed by Arihant with an aim of helping students practice the concepts using hundreds of practice questions of all types which have been or may be asked in the upcoming CBSE Examinations. It is a practice book aimed at mastering the concepts and acquiring comprehensive knowledge about the varied types of questions asked in CBSE Class4th Mathematics Examination.The present workbook for CBSE Class 4th Mathematics Examination has been divided into 14 chapters namely Building with Bricks, Long & Short, A Trip to Bhopal, Tick-Tick-Tick, The Way The World Looks, The Junk Seller, Jugs & Mugs, Carts & Wheels, Halves & Quarters, Play with Patterns, Tables & Shares, How Heavy How Light, Fields & Fences and Smart Charts, each containing ample number of practice questions which have been designed on the lines of questions asked in previous years' CBSE Class 4th MathematicsExamination.Each chapter in the book contains ample number of practice questions which have been designed on the lines of questions asked in previous years' CBSE Class 4th MathematicsExamination. The varied types of practice questions will make sure that the students get an insight into the kind of questions asked in the CBSE Class 4th MathematicsExamination. This book is strictly based on NCERT and complements it by providing practice to help reinforce the material given in each chapter of NCERT.As the book contains ample number of examination pattern based practice questions, it for sure will act as perfect practice workbook for the upcoming CBSE Class 4th MathematicsExamination.