
Organizational Behavior in Health Care (SF)  | Released: 09 Apr 2020

By: Nancy Borkowski (Author)   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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Organizational Behavior in Health Care, Fourth Edition is specifically written for health care managers who are on the front lines every day, motivating and leading others in a constantly changing, complex environment. Uniquely addressing organizational behavior theories and issues within the healthcare industry, this comprehensive textbook not only offers in-depth... Read More

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Nancy Borkowski

Publisher Name:

Jones & Bartlett Publishers





About The Book
Organizational Behavior in Health Care, Fourth Edition is specifically written for health care managers who are on the front lines every day, motivating and leading others in a constantly changing, complex environment. Uniquely addressing organizational behavior theories and issues within the healthcare industry, this comprehensive textbook not only offers in-depth discussion of the relevant topics, such as leadership, motivation, conflict, group dynamics, change, and more, it provides students with practical application through the use of numerous case studies and vignettes. Thoroughly updated, the Fourth Edition offers: - Two chapters addressing demographic shifts and cultural competency and their importance for ensuring the delivery of high quality care (Ch. 2 & 3) - New chapter on change management and managing resistance to change. - New and updated content (modern theories of leadership, teaming, etc), and case studies throughout.


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