
Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis: Spine and Temporomandibular Joints (Hardback)  | Released: 30 Apr 2009

By: Aad Van Der El (Author)   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis is a comprehensive and easily-accessible compendium of theory and technique related to orthopaedic manual therapy (OMT). This essential resource covers key topics such as spinal anatomy, biomechanics, arthrology, general functional aspects of the spine, definitions, theories, and examination. This text combines a comprehensive discussion of both... Read More

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Aad Van Der El

Publisher Name:

Jones & Bartlett Publishers





About The Book
Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis is a comprehensive and easily-accessible compendium of theory and technique related to orthopaedic manual therapy (OMT). This essential resource covers key topics such as spinal anatomy, biomechanics, arthrology, general functional aspects of the spine, definitions, theories, and examination. This text combines a comprehensive discussion of both the pathophysiologic rationale and the applied evidence base with regard to OMT diagnosis. It demonstrates numerous diagnostic techniques used in the clinical practice of manual medicine. Providing an up-to-date analysis of spinal examination, this is an ideal textbook for courses in OMT. It also serves as a reference for all manual medicine practitioners including physical therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and medical physicians.


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