
Solar Energy (Paperback)  | Released: 2017

By: S P Sukhatme (Author)   Publisher: McGraw Hill Education

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This book is primarily designed for engineering students studying the subject of solar energy. Because of the inclusionof a separate chapter on other renewable energy sources, the book is also well-suited for teaching the subject of non-conventional energy sources or renewable energy sources. Solar thermal devices and systems are covered... Read More

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S P Sukhatme

Publisher Name:

McGraw Hill Education





About The Book
This book is primarily designed for engineering students studying the subject of solar energy. Because of the inclusionof a separate chapter on other renewable energy sources, the book is also well-suited for teaching the subject of non-conventional energy sources or renewable energy sources. Solar thermal devices and systems are covered in detail. This makes the use of the book ideal for students studying the specialized subject of solar energy and its thermalapplications. About the AuthorS P Sukhatme, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay. J K Nayak, Emeritus Fellow, Dept. of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay.