
Teaching Practice (Paperback)  | Released: 06 May 1998

By: Rosemary Perry (Author)   Publisher: Routledge

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Teaching young children requires more than an ability to set goals, apply techniques and assess outcomes. It involves developing trusting relationships, deciding on what children need to know, creating secure and stimulating learning environments and working cooperatively with other significant adults in children’s lives.This book will help teachers prepare for... Read More

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Rosemary Perry

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About The Book
Teaching young children requires more than an ability to set goals, apply techniques and assess outcomes. It involves developing trusting relationships, deciding on what children need to know, creating secure and stimulating learning environments and working cooperatively with other significant adults in children's lives.This book will help teachers prepare for and make the most of the teaching practice in a variety of early childhood settings which cater for children from birth to eight years. Chapter cover: * ways of knowing and relating to children* the early childhood curriculum* effective social and physical environments for learning and teaching* working collaboratively with colleagues and parentsWhile giving many practical guidelines and suggestions, this book challenges teachers to do their own thinking about learning and teaching. It will encourage them to use their specialised and personal knowledge - to do more than 'practice' teaching techniques during their teaching practice.


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