
The F-Word (PAPERBACK)  | Released: 25-Jul-13

By: Mita Kapur (Author)   Publisher: Harper Collins

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This book is a madcap account of a working woman who Tspends all day – and sometimes, most of the night – juggling family, friends, long-distance phone calls and food. How do you serve up a nutritious yet delicious meal to a large family of individuals of varying ages and... Read More

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Mita Kapur

Publisher Name:

Harper Collins





About The Book
This book is a madcap account of a working woman who Tspends all day - and sometimes, most of the night - juggling family, friends, long-distance phone calls and food. How do you serve up a nutritious yet delicious meal to a large family of individuals of varying ages and with extreme differences in taste? How can you convert a carnivore into a lover of greens? And above all, what does a woman do to keep them all - partner, children, in-laws, pals - healthy and happy at the same time, without quietly going out of her mind? A chaotic culinary romp with unexpectedly tender moments, The F-Word is packed with seriously good recipes to suit every taste, however conservative or weird!