
Thirty Years of SAARC (Hardback)  | Released: 20 Jul 2016

By: Omita Goyal (Author)   Publisher: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd

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This book traces economic and political issues through SAARC’s thirty-year journey. Topical and well-researched, this collection provides a comprehensive assessment of SAARC and provides policy directives for the future. The book points out the issues and constraints that have hindered regional cooperation in South Asia. It establishes that despite being... Read More

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Omita Goyal

Publisher Name:

Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd





About The Book
This book traces economic and political issues through SAARC's thirty-year journey. Topical and well-researched, this collection provides a comprehensive assessment of SAARC and provides policy directives for the future. The book points out the issues and constraints that have hindered regional cooperation in South Asia. It establishes that despite being democracies, there has been little effort by member nations to promote regional cooperation in the public domain. It stresses that in view of the increased role that countries wish to play in globalisation, economic cooperation is the way forward. The book further argues that political will is the pivot on which the prospect of regional cooperation revolves.


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