
Who Was William Shakespeare? (Paperback)  | Released: 14 Jan 2013

By: Dympna Callaghan (Author)   Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

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A new study of Shakespeare’s life and times, which illuminates our understanding and appreciation of his works. Combines an accessible fully historicised treatment of both the life and the plays, suited to both undergraduate and popular audiences Looks at 24 of the most significant plays and the sonnets through the... Read More

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Dympna Callaghan

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About The Book
A new study of Shakespeare's life and times, which illuminates our understanding and appreciation of his works. Combines an accessible fully historicised treatment of both the life and the plays, suited to both undergraduate and popular audiences Looks at 24 of the most significant plays and the sonnets through the lens of various aspects of Shakespeare's life and historical environment Addresses four of the most significant issues that shaped Shakespeare's career: education, religion, social status, and theatre Examines theatre as an institution and the literary environment of early modern London Explains and dispatches conspiracy theories about authorship About the Author: Dympna Callaghan is William L. Safire Professor of Modern Letters at Syracuse University and President of the Shakespeare Association of America, 2012-13. She is the editor of the Arden Shakespeare Language and Writing Series and coeditor, with Michael Dobson, of the Palgrave Shakespeare Studies series. Her publications include Shakespeare Without Women (2000), The Taming of the Shrew: A Norton Critical Edition (2009), Shakespeare's Sonnets (2007), The Impact of Feminism in English Renaissance Culture (2006), and Romeo and Juliet: Texts and Contexts (2003).


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