
WIND LOADING OF STRUCTURES (Hardback)  | Released: 02-Feb-19

By: John D. Holmes (Author)   Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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This latest edition fills an important gap as an information source for practicing and academic engineers alike, explaining the principles of wind loads on structures, including the relevant aspects of meteorology, bluff-body aerodynamics, probability and statistics, and structural dynamics. Among the unique features of the book are its broad view... Read More

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John D. Holmes

Publisher Name:

Taylor & Francis




About The Book
This latest edition fills an important gap as an information source for practicing and academic engineers alike, explaining the principles of wind loads on structures, including the relevant aspects of meteorology, bluff-body aerodynamics, probability and statistics, and structural dynamics. Among the unique features of the book are its broad view of the major international codes and standards, and information on the extreme wind climates of a large number of countries of the world.