
World Viewpoints On National Missile Defence ( 2 Vols. Set ) (Hardcover)  | Released: 2001

By: K.R. Gupta (Author)   Publisher: Atlantic

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Statement of President George W. Bush regarding his intention to introduce National Missile Defence (NMD) has given rise to a lively discussion on the subject all over the world. In this book an attempt has been made to present the viewpoints of eminent experts from different countries, particularly those from... Read More

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K.R. Gupta

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About The Book
Statement of President George W. Bush regarding his intention to introduce National Missile Defence (NMD) has given rise to a lively discussion on the subject all over the world. In this book an attempt has been made to present the viewpoints of eminent experts from different countries, particularly those from countries directly affected by the NMD e.g. the United States of America, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, North Korea, India, etc. It is hoped that the book would be of great value to the researchers and students of defence studies, parliamentarians, senior executives concerned with defence and the common readers. Table of Contents: Vol. I 1. Remarks by President George W. Bush to Students and Faculty at National Defense University, May 1, 2001 Fort Lesley J. McNair 2. U.S. National Missile Defense : Views from Asia Dr. Nicholas Berry 3. Europes Role in National Missile Defense Tomas Valasek 4. Preserving the ABM Treaty and Promoting International Security (Statement by Ambassador Sha Zukang, Director-General Department of Arms Control & Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peoples Republic of China) 5. Ballistic Missile Defense : Consequences for South Asia Achin Vanaik 6. Nuclear Deterrence, Missile Defenses and Global Instability David Krieger 7. Missile Defense : An Indian Perspective Rajesh M. Basrur 8. A Russian Perspective on American National Missile Defense Alla Yaroshinskaya 9. Chinas Concern over National Missile Defence Dingli Shen 10. Ballistic Missile Defense and Alternatives for the Middle East Bahig Nassar 11. Missile Defenses and the Korean Peninsula Samsung Lee 12. National Missile Defense : An Overview (1993-2000) Donald R. Baucom 13. National Missile Defense Why Should We Care? Admiral Eugene Carroll, Jr. 14. U.S. Missile Defense Compromises Global Security Tang Jiaxuan 15. The US National Missile Defense and South Asia Arpit Rajain 16. Canada is not Impotent in the Missile Defense Crisis Senator Douglas Roche 17. Bush Missile Defense Plans Muted Reaction from Moscow, May 3, 2001 18. TMD : A Confidence Destructive Me, sure in East Asia Hiro Umebayash: 19. Ballistic Missile Defense Michael Wallace 20. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on Missile Defense (02 May 2001) 21. The Ballistic Missile Threat Colonel Daniel Smith 22. How a US National Missile Defense will Affect South Asia Gaurav Kampani 23. House Members Debate Bush Missile Defense Plan : Mr. Weldon of Pennsylvania (May 01, 2001) Mr. Skelton (May 01, 2001) Mr. Abercrombie (May 01, 2001) Mr. Spratt (May 01, 2001) Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire (May 1, 2001) Senator Sam Nunn (May 1, 2001) Senator Jesse Helms of Republican-North Carolina (01 May 2001) John Spratt, Representative of U.S (May 1, 2001) Senator James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) (May 1, 2001) Mr. Weldon of Pennsylvania (May 02, 2001) Richard C. Shelby, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (May 2, 2001) Tom Daschle, Senate Democratic Leader (May 2, 2001) Richard Gephardt, Democratic Leader (02 May, 2001) News Conference with Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-SD); Senator Joseph Biden, Jr. (D-DE); Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) [May 2, 2001] 24. Defense Department Report, June 14 : Missile Defense Testing 25. Remarks by the President Clinton on National Missile Defense (September 1, 2000) Vol. II 1. Wolfowitz Says U.S. will Move Beyond ABM Treaty Says reconfigured missile defense program "is not Star Wars" 2. Impact of NMD on Russia, Nuclear Security Dr. Bruce Blair 3. Diplomatic Gamesmanship on Missile Defense Moves Into High Gear 4. Nuclear Forces and Missile Defenses (Chapter 6 of Annual Report to the President and the Congress 2000) 5. Foreign Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Through 2015 National Intelligence Council 6. Technological Challenges in National Missile Defense Colonel Daniel Smith 7. The Costs of Ballistic Missile Defense Christopher Hellman 8. Rumsfeld, French Defense Minister Richard Media Availability FYR Macedonia, Missile Defense, Underground Nuclear Testing 9. Deputy Defense Secretary on Missile Defense, Nuclear Testing 10. Missile Defense Statement by Ambassador Robert T. Grey, Jr., U.S. Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, During a Seminar Sponsored by The Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague 11. Powell Sees "Opportunities to Move Forward" on Missile Defense Dialogue with Russians 12. Powell Says U.S. Will "Keep Consulting" on Missile Defense 13. U.S. Official Briefs on Bush's Meetings at NATO 14. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld on 21st Century Deterrence Donald Rumsfeld 15. National Intelligence Council Statement for the Record to the Senate Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services on The Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Robert D. Walpole 16. A New Stage of the NMD Debate : A U.S. Proposal and a Russian Response Nikolai Sokov 17. Non-Proliferation : A Battle We All Must Win (Remarks by Joseph R. Biden, Jr. United States Senator [Delaware] Chairman, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee at Carnegie International Non- Proliferation Conference Washington, D.C. 18. Pentagon Projects National Missile Defense Costs at $30.2B Linda D. Kozaryn 19. Nunn-Lugar : A Tool For the New U.S.-Russian Strategic Relationship Carnegie Non-proliferation Conference Senator Richard Lusar 20. Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Eighth Report "Weapons of Mass Destruction : National Missile Defence and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty" Session 1999-2000 Foreign Affairs Committee Publication 21. National Missile Defense and Strategic Security in the Post Cold War World Senator Joseph Biden 22. Key Issues for North Korea Policy : Missile Negotiations and the 1994 Agreed Framework 23. North Korean Offer Could Pave Way for New Missile Negotiations 24. China-Russia Beijing Declaration 25. Bush Administration Backtracks on U.S. Non- proliferation Programs in Russia 26. Missile Intercept Test Successful 27. 'Fuzzy' Logic on Missile Defense 28. Why a Less-Than-Effective Missile Defense Does Not Enhance U.S. Security 29. Opinions of Some Eminent Persons Gephardt Statement on the National Missile Defense System Levin Reaction to Bush Speech on National Missile Defense 30. Chronology of U.S. National Missile Defense Programs Colonel Daniel Smith 31. Acronyms & Glossary


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