
Wuthering Heights : A Commentary (Hardcover)  | Released: 1994

By: R.S. Sharma (Author)   Publisher: Atlantic

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Wuthering Heights is a unique novel in a unique way. The present commentary shows how Emily Brontes novel defies comparison and is yet deeply rooted in the cultural and literary traditions of Europe. It explores the themes characters and form of the novel including narrative technique, narrative modes, and management... Read More

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R.S. Sharma

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About The Book
Wuthering Heights is a unique novel in a unique way. The present commentary shows how Emily Brontes novel defies comparison and is yet deeply rooted in the cultural and literary traditions of Europe. It explores the themes characters and form of the novel including narrative technique, narrative modes, and management of time schemes. The novels poetic quality is discussed in depth. Some well-known interpretations of the novel are also subjected to critical examination. The book will, no doubt, prove immensely helpful to students in preparing good answers and will stimulate scholars and researchers to fresh thinking about Wuthering Heights and its author. Table of Contents: 1. The Genii of the place 2. The Two Principles 3. Genetic Blending 4. The Mysteries 5. The Sociological Approach 6. The Middle Path 7. Narrative Technique and Mode of Perception: A. Mastery of Form B. Narrators C. As Revelation D. Complex Narrative Structure 8. Narrative Modes A. Reporting B. Description C. Dialogue D. Epistolary Mode 9. Criticism 10. Time Scales 11. Moral Scales 12. Poetic Quality 13. The Question of Tradition 14. A Great Work A Short Bibliography Appendix A - Biographical Note by Charlotte Bronte (In the edition of 1850) Appendix B - Charlotte Brontes Preface to the Edition of 1850 Appendix C - Some Poems of Emily Bronte


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