Engineering Physics (Paperback) | Released: 03-Aug-17
By: A.K. Singh (Author) Publisher: McGraw Hill Education22.00% Off ₹761.00
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Engineering Physics, 2e, provides a comprehensive overview of the subject for first year engineering students. It provides an excellent coverage of the syllabus for all major universities. The book emphasizeson tutorial approach (teach-by-example) towards the subject. Ample solved examples and rich pedagogical pool will help the students understand the subject... Read More
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A.K. Singh
Publisher Name:
McGraw Hill Education
About The Book
Engineering Physics, 2e, provides a comprehensive overview of the subject for first year engineering students. It provides an excellent coverage of the syllabus for all major universities. The book emphasizeson tutorial approach (teach-by-example) towards the subject. Ample solved examples and rich pedagogical pool will help the students understand the subject matter and prepare them for the questions asked inexamination. About the AuthorHitendra K Malik, IIT Delhi A K Singh, MSIT Delhi.